BlizzCon 2023 Liveblog - Unveiling the Season of Discovery and Cataclysm

November 04, 2023 6 minutes

Welcome to the World of Azeroth! Today, we are excited to bring you the highlights from the Classic: What's Next panel at BlizzCon 2023. As adventurers and avid WoW players, we are thrilled to share with you all the exciting updates coming to the game. So grab your armor, sharpen your weapons, and let's dive deep into the world of Cataclysm Classic and the Season of Discovery!

Cataclysm Classic: Nostalgia with a Twist

Cataclysm Classic is making its way back to WoW, and it's bringing everything that players loved about the original release. Prepare to encounter powerful Goblins and cunning Worgen as you explore the revamped world. Additionally, transmogrification, rated battlegrounds, new class/race combinations, old world flying, and so much more will be available to experience once again.

But that's not all! Remember the thrilling Titan Rune dungeons from the original Cataclysm? Well, get ready for Heroic+ versions of these epic challenges in Cataclysm Classic. These dungeons were a big hit in the past, and now Blizzard is bringing them back to test your skills and provide an even greater sense of accomplishment.

One of the exciting new features coming to Cataclysm Classic is the Collections UI. While it's already available in Classic, Blizzard is taking it a step further by introducing account-wide transmogrification. Finally, you can customize your appearance across all your characters, opening up endless possibilities for fashion-conscious adventurers.

To make your journey through Cataclysm Classic even more exciting, Blizzard is ramping up the leveling speed. Get ready to level up faster and experience the content at a more enjoyable pace.

Introducing Classic Hardcore: Self Found Mode

In 2024, a new optional ruleset will be introduced to the Hardcore mode - Classic Hardcore: Self Found. If you opt-in, your character will be prohibited from mailing, trading, or using the auction house until reaching the maximum level. This mode emphasizes self-reliance and challenges players to rely solely on their own abilities and resources. Are you up for the ultimate test of survival in Azeroth?

The Thrill of Discovery in Season of Discovery

The Season of Discovery is bringing a whole new level of excitement to Azeroth. Brace yourself for an adventure filled with mystery, as you embark on a quest to find hidden runes scattered throughout the game world. The first rune will be quest-directed, guiding you in the right direction, but the rest will require your own exploration and intuition to uncover.

Discoveries are carefully crafted secrets that are designed to blend seamlessly into the Classic experience. Whether it's an elusive treasure hidden deep within a mine or a challenging puzzle that requires the cooperation of multiple players, each discovery is meant to evoke a sense of adventure and wonder.

Blizzard has purposely chosen not to have a public PTR or beta testing for these discoveries to preserve their enigmatic nature. Prepare to step into the unknown and uncover the many secrets that await!

  • Level Banded Content Phases for Balanced Progression

To ensure that all players progress at a similar pace, Blizzard is introducing level banded content phases in the Season of Discovery. Starting with the first phase, the level cap will be set at 25, allowing both new and veteran players to enjoy the game together. This approach aims to reduce the fear of missing out and the feeling of falling behind, fostering a more inclusive and cooperative environment.

Each time the level cap is raised, Blizzard will implement an experience catch-up mechanic. This will help players who join later to quickly reach the same content level as others, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to explore new challenges and engage in thrilling gameplay.

  • Blackfathom Deeps: Transformed for Epic Raids

The Season of Discovery brings a renewed focus on raids and dungeons, starting with the iconic Blackfathom Deeps. Originally a 5-player dungeon, it will now shine as a 10-player raid, providing enhanced encounters, mechanics, and loot. Brace yourself for a thrilling experience as you face off against seven new bosses and seek out secret treasures within the depths.

But raids aren't the only highlight of the Season of Discovery. Outdoor PvP events will unlock as the level caps increase, further intensifying the competition between factions. Prepare for epic battles and show your might on the fields of Ashenvale.

  • The Art of Rune Engraving

One of the most exciting additions to the Season of Discovery is the art of Rune Engraving. All characters will possess this new skill automatically, allowing them to discover and equip runes in their chest, leg, and glove slots. These runes can be hotswapped freely when out of combat, giving adventurers the ability to customize their abilities and playstyle as they see fit.

Expect to find over 100 different runes, each offering unique enhancements and gameplay modifications. Some runes will be familiar favorites from various expansions, while others will introduce entirely new mechanics. Imagine a rogue taking on the role of a tank or a paladin with a taunt ability. The possibilities are endless!

  • Improved Low-Level Experience

To ensure a smoother and more enjoyable leveling experience, Blizzard is making improvements to the low-level content in the Season of Discovery. Whether you're embarking on your very first adventure or revisiting the early zones, you can look forward to a more refined and engaging gameplay experience.

  • Exploring Ashenvale: Battleground and Mounts

As you traverse the vast lands of Azeroth in the Season of Discovery, you'll come across the stunning and contentious region of Ashenvale. Known for its beauty and rich resources, Ashenvale has long been a battleground for the Horde and Alliance.

In Season of Discovery, every kill in Ashenvale triggers a zone-wide PvP event. The players from each faction must work together to weaken faction leaders—a Farseer and Priestess of the Moon—by defeating smaller enemy camps spread across the zone. This epic battle will engage both low-level adventurers and seasoned veterans, delivering a thrilling and immersive PvP experience.

Additionally, players will have the opportunity to learn a unique mount that can only be used within Ashenvale. This mount will aid you in traversing the vast forests and war-torn landscapes, ensuring you can easily navigate the challenges that lie ahead.


BlizzCon 2023's Classic: What's Next panel has shed new light on the future of World of Warcraft, particularly with the upcoming Cataclysm Classic and the Season of Discovery. From reimagined dungeons and thrilling raids to the allure of mysterious discoveries, Blizzard has once again proven their dedication to providing exciting and immersive experiences for players.

So gear up, rally your allies, and get ready to embark on a grand adventure in the realms of Azeroth. The Classic experience is evolving, and the future looks incredibly promising!

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