Shaman Runes and Locations - WoW SoD

February 27, 2024 10 minutes

Introduction to Rune Engravings and Abilities

The most prominent feature of the Season of Discovery is the introduction of Rune Engravings, a game-changer for your gear. Rune Engravings don't just offer new abilities; they allow you to augment your current spells and even unlock entirely new possibilities for your class. 

  • Extra Skills and Improvements

Starting in Phase 2 of the Season of Discovery, all classes can find extra base skills and quality of life improvements. These are available in consumable items scattered around the world. While these items aren't classified as Runes, discovering and learning them is essential for players seeking to maximize the potential of their class. 

Shamans can currently obtain: 

Revelation of Totemic Projection — can drop from any boss in Scarlet Monastery Graveyard wing.

How to Find and Unlock Shaman Runes

Unlocking these powerful Runes isn't confined to specific races, though they are most commonly associated with races from the areas where the Runes are found. This means that even if you're playing a character from a different race or faction, you can still unlock these Runes by following the necessary steps. Let's dive into where and how you can find these transformative Runes for Shamans.

The process of unlocking each Rune is unique and tied to specific locations and actions within the game. Here's a quick guide to help you locate and unlock the Shaman Runes:

Rune NameSlotUnlock Method
Water Shield

In the Barrens, this Rune can be found by looting the Kolkar's Booty chest found near the 43,23 map coordinates, behind the Barak Kodobane quest NPC. You will need a Kolkar Booty Key, randomly looted from nearby centaurs, in order to open the chest. The Tempest relic inside requires you to hit 10 NPCs with the three schools of Shaman magic: Nature, Frost and Fire. An easy way to go about this task is to rotate between Earth Shock, Frost Shock, and Flame Shock until you complete the quest. Alternatively, you can kill Grimson the Pale in Silverpine Forest for the Tempest relic. He can be found in the 58,44 map coordinates deep inside Deep Elem Mine.

Lava Burst
Kill Mudsnout Shamans in eastern Hillsbrad Foothills, around the 65,60 map coordinates. Eventually you will get Kajaric, which will teach you Lava Burst once you take damage from lava five times. This can easily be done inside the Ragefire Chasm dungeon in Orgrimmar, or any other place with lava in the world.
Lava Lash
This rune is rewarded for completing the Stalk With The Earthmother quest chain that begins at Boarton Shadetotem, found around the 40,66 map coordinates in Thunder Bluff, behind the Bag Vendor.
Molten Blast
As a Tauren player, the easiest way to find this Rune is killing dwarves around the 32,50 map coordinates in Mulgore for a key and looting the Artifact Storage chest nearby for the Sulfurous relic. In order to unlock the rune, equip the relic and get a killing blow on 10 enemies with Earth Shock. As an Orc or Troll, it is easier to get it in Durotar from a Frozen Makrura enemy around the 59,46 map coordinates. You need to use fire damage spells on it in quick succession (usually requiring multiple people) in order to kill it and be able to loot the Sulfurous, which will teach you the rune with the same conditions as listed above.
Earth Shield
This Rune requires you to kill Baron Aquanis in Blackfathom Deeps in order to loot a Strange Water Globe. This Globe in turn starts a quest chain for Shamans that leads to the Earth Shield unlock. First you will need to kill Water (Ashenvale 49,70), Earth, and Flame (both found around 34,64 in Stonetalon Mountains) elementals for quest items. Then you need to turn in an Elixir of Wisdom and Elixir of Water Breathing, do a little RP event nearby and finish with killing Hirzek in the Barrens, around the 44,79 map coordinates.
Ancestral Guidance
This rune requires you and another healing-capable class to channel on a corpse. It might be helpful to set up a group to go get it before heading to the corpse, as you will not be able to get it by yourself. For Orcs and Trolls, the closest corpse is around 48,80 in Durotar. Taurens have a much harder time, as their closest corpse is at the end of a mine shaft with entrance in the 62,47 map coordinates in Mulgore. You will need to fight your way through a huge amount of goblin enemies inside and pop out in the northern cliff exit, as the corpse is around the 60,33 coordinates.
Shamanistic Rage
You get this rune by killing the Primordial Anomaly enemy, found randomly across the whole Charred Vale area of Stonetalon Mountains (all around the 34,64 map coordinates). While a level 25 elite would normally be hard to solo, this enemy will have rotating weaknesses that makes it a breeze: use Flame Shock against its Nature elemental form, Frost Shock once it becomes a Fire Elemental, and Earth Shock to finish it off when it becomes a Water Elemental.
Way of Earth
In the Barrens, cast Purge on a Desert Mirage found around 57,36 to kill it and loot it for the rune. You can also get it in Silverpine Forest, by killing Rot Hide Mystic around 45,22. They will eventually drop a Rot Totem which can be used to summon a level 15 elite which can be killed for the rune.
Healing RainChestReach Friendly reputation with the new Durotar Supply and Logistics faction on Horde, or equivalent Azeroth Commerce Authority in the Alliance and buy the rune for 2 gold. You can increase your reputation with these factions by turning in Supply Shipment green items randomly looted from world content, preferably after combining them with the profession materials requested in their description in order to increase the reputation and amount of currency awarded.
For Orc and Troll players the easiest way to get this rune is through the Icons of Power quest given early on in the Valley of Trials. All you need to do is kill scorpions nearby until you loot Dyadic. In order to learn the rune, equip it and take nature damage 10 times, either from the nearby scorpions or from other players, at which point you will be able to use the relic and turn in the quest. As a Tauren you will also get the Icons of Power quest early on, but kill shaman quillboars nearby instead for the Dyadic, at which point you can start taking nature damage from the quillboars or dueling other nearby players until the idol is usable and quest can be completed.
Dual Wield Specialization
You will need to be at least level 20 and maybe also have a decent amount of gold on you to get Grizzby, found in Ratchet in the Barrens to talk to you and offer three quests: turn in 24 Fish Oil, looted from fish and Murloc enemies, 20 Dark Iron Ordinance looted from Dark Iron Dwarves in Dun Morogh or north Wetlands, and 16 Shredder Turbocharger obtained by using Shredder Autosalvage Unit on Shredder NPCs in Ashenvale. The pattern for this Engineering craft drops from Sneed in Deadmines. Once the quests are finished, you can buy the Dual Wield Specialization Rune for 5 gold.
Shield Mastery
Orcs and Troll players can obtain this rune by finding a Galvanic totem in the ground, which look like regular shaman totems, and are found randomly throughout Durotar. Once you have the icon, equip it and kill 10 enemies with Lightning Bolt to learn the rune. Taurens will follow the same steps and also loot a visible totem on the ground, but can find it randomly on Mulgore, as well.
Two-Handed Mastery

Begin by traveling to Deadwind Pass and interact with the Dalaran Agent NPC near 52,35 to obtain Ariden's Sigil. By wearing and using this trinket you can make 7 Dark Rider enemies show themselves at certain spots in the world, which you must kill and loot to receive the rune. You will know the Dark Rider is close enough to be revealed when you gain the Dark Presence buff.

The closest rider can be found near 42,30 in Deadwind Pass;

Next, go towards nearby Swamp of Sorrows, where a rider can be found around 69,29;

Trace back your steps and head towards 23,48 in Duskwood, where a rider awaits;

Head south towards Booty Bay and take the boat to the Barrens, where you will find another rider around 52,36;

Move towards nearby Desolace where a rider patrols around 65,26;

Change continent and head to 60,40 in Arathi Highlands where another rider can be found;

Finally, head towards the Badlands, where the final rider can be found around 58,53.

Once you finally take down the final rider, return to the Dalaran Agent and turn all relics to obtain the Two-Handed Mastery rune!

Fire Nova
Head to Desolace and kill the level 35 Flame Seer elite NPC around 57,21. Talk to Zor Lonetree at 39,38 near the Shaman trainers in Orgrimmar. Follow up by going to Maraudon and get a crystal from purple side around 27,57 and from orange side around 39,57. Take the crystals back to Zor Lonetree and talk to Hamuul Runetotem around 78,28 in Thunder Bluff. Fly or teleport with holiday event lunar scroll to Moonglade and talk with Keeper Remulos around 36,42. Finally, interact with the object around 55,65 in Moonglade for the Fire Nova rune! 
Maelstrom Weapon
Kill the final boss of Razorfen Kraul for the Tattered Note "starts quest" item, then turn it in at Rau Cliffrunner in the Freewind Post Tauren town on Thousand Needles. Follow up by going to Bath'rah the Windwatcher at 80, 64 in Alterac Mountains, accessible by going north from Tarren Mill. Before talking to him pray at the nearby Loa Altar with the /pray command. Proceed by collecting 10 wind orbs from wind elementals in Desolace, 10 water orbs from Withervine elementals in Dustwallow Marsh and finish by going to Badlands and collecting 10 earth orbs from earth elementals just East of Kargath. Return to Bath'rah the Windwatcher with a Crystal Vial bought from a reagent vendor on the way and return the filled vial to Rau Cliffrunner in Thousand Needles where you started. Drink the received vial and talk to the flight master to fly over to enemies and an elite which once killed, gives you an item which can be turned in to Bath'rah the Windwatcher at 80, 64 in Alterac Mountains for the Maelstrom Weapon rune. NOTE: if you die during the elite part, make sure to ask the spirit guide to return you to where you were, instead of ressing on the spot.
Power Surge
Kill Boulderfist Ogres around the 34,44 area in Arathi Highlands to get the Ogre Lightning Rod. Place it on top of the mountain on a soft soil patch on the ground and use Lightning Bolt on it 10 times to summon an elite. You can either kill him or he will die by itself around 30 seconds from being summoned, so self-healing is also an option.
Ancestral Awakening
Once you are Level 30 or higher, find the extinguished campfire on a hill northwest of the kodo graveyard in Desolace, around the 47,55 map coordinates. Follow up by talking to Bibbly F'utzbuckle around 62,39, by Kormek's hut. Travel to Booty Bay and speak to Tokal in the Salty Sailor Tavern, at the 27,77 coordinates in Stranglethorn Vale and buy cherry grog from the Food and Drink vendor next to her. Follow up by traveling to Arathi Highlands, where you should head to the broken bridge, go down to the water and click the rowboat at 53,91. Head north after traveling in the rowboat to find Illari Duskfeather at 94,71. Loot a key from her bag to open a cache by the shack on dock for the Ancestral Awakening rune!
Decoy Totem
In Thousand Needles, kill cloud serpents for 3 Cloud Serpent Fang , harpies for 10 Strong Harpy Feather , and buy one Silken Thread from the trade goods vendor and combine them into the Offering to the Wind Spirit . Afterwards, go to 39,41 also in Thousand Needles, up on one of the hills around the Arikara quest. Behind the hut you'll find a Wind Serpent, near whom you can use the necklace. Once consumed, you will get a slow fall buff. Jump or walk off the cliff near the Wind Serpent and you will get the rune item upon landing. 
Spirit of the Alpha
Found at 46,53 in Thousand Needles, on a weathered cache on top of a mushroom shaped rock near Freewind Post. Alternatively, you can also find a similar chest with the rune near Booty Bay on the Statue island at 24,72 in Stranglethorn Vale. Make sure to wait for the storm near the chest to stop before looting, as it does a ton of damage.

In conclusion, the Season of Discovery brings an exciting array of possibilities for players in World of Warcraft. By understanding and utilizing the power of Rune Engravings, you can take your abilities to new heights. Happy hunting!

Oh, and one more thing! If you need help in obtaining all these runes, you can count on WowCarry for all your SoD needs - be it leveling, rune farming, dungeons, raids and many more exciting things! Just follow this link and check out what we have on offer!

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