Taliesin & Evitel Interview Preview - Dalaran & Teldrassil Variations

April 18, 2024 3 minutes

Hey there, WoW enthusiasts! Welcome back to another exciting blog post by WowCarry. Today, we are going to delve into the intriguing world of World of Warcraft's upcoming expansion, exploring the fate of Dalaran and the lessons learned from the devastating events surrounding Teldrassil. Taliesin & Evitel have recently shared their experience during the creator summit in London, shedding light on their interviews and talks with the brilliant minds behind WoW, including Ion Hazzikostas, Holly Longdale, and Maria Hamilton.

The Mysteries of Dalaran Unveiled

One of the major discussions during the summit revolved around the enigmatic city of Dalaran. Taliesin & Evitel revealed that Blizzard has decided not to test the epic introductory scenario, leaving players eagerly anticipating the pre-patch and launch to finally unveil what will happen. Intriguing, right?

But let's rewind a bit and address the burning question of Dalaran's physical location. Nerubians, those creepy crawlies, launched a daring attack on the city. But where was Dalaran during this assault? Was it still situated over the Broken Isles, or had it mysteriously relocated? While the exact details remain under wraps, the speculation around Khadgar's fate adds another layer of mystery. Is our beloved mage dead or captured? Only time will tell.

The team behind WoW shared an interesting insight into their reasoning for placing Dalaran at the start of the expansion, echoing the structure of the previous expansion, Legion. This decision was made to highlight the risks and dangers players will face throughout their journey in Shadowlands. The creators emphasized the importance of having high stakes for a compelling storytelling experience. After all, if nothing changes, nothing changes!

Teldrassil: A Catalyst for Change

Teldrassil, the majestic home of the night elves, played a significant role in the discussions surrounding Dalaran. The developers firmly believe that this time, the loss experienced by players will be different. In past expansions, players often found themselves in the roles of aggressors or victims. However, this time, everyone will lose together, uniting the WoW community in a shared sense of loss.

  • Exciting New Features on the Horizon

Now that we have explored the fate of Dalaran and the impact of Teldrassil, let's shift our focus to some exciting new features coming to World of Warcraft in the upcoming expansion.

  • The War Within Alpha

Our first topic of discussion is The War Within Alpha. Taliesin & Evitel provided an insightful analysis of this intriguing development within the WoW universe. Be sure to check out their video for an in-depth exploration of this exciting new addition!

  • Talent Tree Updates

As expected, the expansion comes with a set of talent tree updates. WoW fans can now enjoy exploring and experimenting with refreshed talent options, enhancing their gameplay experience and bringing a whole new dimension to their character builds.

  • Mythic+ Role Achievements

If you're a fan of challenging dungeons and securing achievements, you're in for a treat. The developers have introduced Mythic+ Role Achievements, adding an extra layer of accomplishment for those who strive for greatness in the realm of dungeons.

  • New Classes and Raids

Prepare yourselves for an influx of new classes and raids in Shadowlands. Get ready to embark on thrilling adventures and face legendary challenges alongside your fellow WoW enthusiasts.


As we eagerly await the arrival of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, the secrets surrounding Dalaran and the lessons learned from Teldrassil continue to fuel our excitement. Taliesin & Evitel have provided a glimpse into the creative minds behind WoW, leaving us hungry for more. Stay tuned for future updates and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey into the remarkable world of Azeroth!

Prepare for the new WoW Season with WowCarry - be it Mythic dungeons or raids - we're here to see to your success!

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