AH Cartels & Rare Drop Farms - Wowhead Economy Review 318

March 10, 2024 4 minutes

Hello! Welcome to the latest edition of the WoW Economy Weekly Wrap-up! In this week's post, we will be discussing the topic of Auction House Cartels and their effects on the Region Wide Auction House. Additionally, we will explore some great farming spots for rare spawns and instances, along with tips on what addons to use. Lastly, we have some valuable insights on outdoor world farms in Season of Discovery. So, let's dive in!

Is There an AH Cartel?

An interesting observation was made by a user named Nagype on the WoW Economy subreddit, who wondered if there are cartels of bots controlling the market, specifically in the Cosmic Ink market.

"Anyone watching closely the Cosmic Ink markets in EU during reset day? If you do, I guess you know about those guys who immediately drop the price from 199.99g to 129.99g with a wall of 500 pieces of Cosmic Ink at 5-10g differences in a descending order in like 5 minutes. No undercutting or price action was going on for hours now at the market, someone reset the price to 199.99g and they immediately started doing this. Who are they?"

While this is an interesting speculation, it is important to note that the Region Wide Auction House is influenced by a large number of people in one place. Therefore, what might appear as "odd" behavior could simply be a result of natural market dynamics rather than a deliberate effort by a few individuals to control the market.

There are several possibilities that could explain the observed behavior. It is likely that these actions, such as dropping prices to rock bottom levels, are driven by the new profession system and the need for volume sales. It could be individuals who obtained or bought the inks at a low cost and are willing to sell them at a lower price, or players who are divesting from the market and want to quickly offload their supplies. Ultimately, there are a multitude of factors at play, and each possibility is equally likely.

If you are interested in monitoring any specific item or market, platforms like undermine.exchange can provide valuable insights. By analyzing the heatmaps on such platforms, you can observe natural fluctuations in prices over the course of a week or an expansion.

Rare Drop Farms

This phase of the expansion provides a great opportunity for collectors and farmers. One Reddit user recently inquired about potential high-value transmogs, recipes, and other valuable items to farm.

There are ample options available for both dungeon runs and unique spawns across the world. Some examples include the world drop mounts in BFA such as the Dune Scavenger, Terrified Mule Pack, Bloodfeaster, and Goldenmane. You may also farm Abyss Crystals to obtain the Blood Serpent mount. Additionally, Alliance players can acquire the Honeyback Harvester mount. These mounts can be lucrative as some of them are tradable and have a high demand in the market.

Old dungeons are another lucrative option, as they can yield significant profits with just a few hours of farming per week. YouTube content creators like Extracify offer excellent farming guides and new ideas on potential farms.

  • Instance / Rares Addons

If you are planning to run instances or hunt for rare mobs, there are several addons that can assist you in tracking and managing relevant information. Here are a few noteworthy addons:

  • LootAppraiser: This addon helps track the potential value of items you earn while running dungeons multiple times. It also provides a convenient Reset Instance button for quick returns to a fresh set of trash mobs.
  • Nova Instance Tracker: This addon allows you to track the number of times you have run an instance and which lockouts are available across multiple alts. It is particularly helpful for keeping an eye on average experience points earned during dungeon runs for leveling purposes.
  • Rarity: With this addon, you can keep track of how many times you've killed a rare mob in order to increase your chances of getting certain desirable items or mounts to drop.
  • RareScanner: This addon alerts you when a rare mob spawns near you and provides a visual indicator on the map to help you locate it quickly.

These are just a few examples of addons that can enhance your experience when running instances and searching for rare mobs. Feel free to explore and find the ones that suit your preferences.

Open World Gold Farms for Season of Discovery

If you're looking to build up your gold reserves, the Season of Discovery offers numerous lucrative opportunities in the open world. YouTube content creator Seren Games has shared a variety of great gold farming locations and drops that sell well.

For a more in-depth understanding of these farms, I recommend watching Seren Games' YouTube videos. They provide valuable insights and ideas for boosting your gold-making endeavors.

  • Further Reading

Most of the information discussed in this post originated from the WoW Economy subreddit and its accompanying Discord Server. If you want to delve deeper into the topic or have specific questions, I encourage you to visit these resources.

That wraps up this edition of the WoW Economy Weekly Wrap-up! I hope you found this post informative and valuable. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Until next time, happy goldmaking!

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