Tag Auction House

John Barrymore March 24, 2024 7 minutes
In this blog post, the author tackles the question of whether gold making in World of Warcraft (WoW) is dead amidst recent changes to professions and the auction house. They assert that while some methods may be diminished or eliminated, there are still plenty of ways to make gold in the game. Additionally, the post covers the high-demand alchemy recipes for the next phase of the game and the ethics of baiting in the auction house.
John Barrymore March 10, 2024 4 minutes
In this blog post, the author explores the concept of Auction House Cartels and whether they exist in the WoW economy. They discuss the effects of the Region Wide Auction House and provide insights into rare spawn and instance farms, along with suggestions for addons to enhance gameplay. Additionally, the post offers tips for outdoor world farms in the Season of Discovery.