Tag Threads

John Barrymore June 05, 2024 3 minutes
Explore the vast and treacherous metropolis of Azj-Kahet, the last kingdom of the Nerubians, centered around the City of Threads. Dive into the City's imposing structure and complex politics as you navigate alliances and sabotage Queen Ansurek's plans in the Nerub'ar Palace Raid Overview.
John Barrymore May 14, 2024 3 minutes
Explore the City of Threads in the Kaheti nerubian empire after completing the Azj-Kahet storyline to uncover new questlines and reencounter familiar faces. Discover the intricate societal dynamics and challenges faced by the nerubians through engaging side quests, including assisting a fearful patient overcome deep-seated phobias with the help of Mr. Sunflower's clinic. Witness the complexities of nerubian society and the impact of Xal'atath's influence on ascended beings in this thrilling blog