Tag Accessories

John Barrymore April 20, 2024 4 minutes
Get a first look at the rewards from The War Within pre-patch event! These rewards include alt catch-up gear, battle pets, bags, trinkets, heirlooms, weapons, armor, and accessories, all sold by Remembrancer Amuulin Dalaran.
John Barrymore April 15, 2024 3 minutes
This blog post discusses the Pandaria Timerunning feature in World of Warcraft, which allows players to acquire a wide range of gear through achievements. However, players may have noticed a lack of accessories such as necks, rings, and trinkets being awarded. The post also mentions the availability of consumables that provide similar effects to these accessories.
John Barrymore October 18, 2023 3 minutes
Discover the exciting new cosmetics for Barbarians in Season 2 of Diablo 4, ranging from regal to hellish options. Don't miss out on the chance to snag an adorable Accessory pack, including the bear-y cute Pet Backpacks. Stay tuned for daily shop refreshes and the possibility of new cosmetic options!
John Barrymore September 01, 2023 3 minutes
Discover the new Oasis Healer Prestige Sorcerer Cosmetics in the latest Shop rotation for Diablo 4. Immerse yourself in the arid lands and lush oases of Kehjistan with this stylish new set, inspired by the legend of T'jier. Stay tuned for more exciting cosmetic options as the shop refreshes daily at approximately 10 am PDT!