Tag Crests

John Barrymore November 14, 2023 3 minutes
Dragonflight Season Three introduces a new currency and crafting system for endgame gear. Players will now need to obtain Nascent Crest reagents to craft Enchanted Crests, which are essential for creating high-level gear. These Nascent Crests can be purchased from enchanting vendors in Dragonflight zones, making the crafting process straightforward.
John Barrymore October 18, 2023 2 minutes
This blog post discusses the recent increase in the amount of Crests needed to create an Enchanted Crest in the Patch 10.2 build. It also highlights the increased price of crafted gear and the limitations on acquiring Crests. Players will need to carefully consider their choices in using Crests for crafting in order to optimize their gear upgrades.
John Barrymore September 13, 2023 3 minutes
The blog post discusses the new mechanism in Patch 10.2 of trading up lower tier crests into higher level versions using new consumables. It explores the changes to the upgrade system, the minimum item level requirement for each bracket, and the benefits of being able to trade up lower tier activities. Additionally, it mentions the discovery of a version of Crests that exceed the seasonal cap and its implications.