Tag backpacks

John Barrymore November 29, 2023 4 minutes
Discover the exciting new Archivist's gear introduced in the Dragonflight Patch 10.2.5 PTR build, including backpacks, a chisel, and even a gun! Explore the Azerothian Archives and uncover the rich history of the Dragon Isles while participating in solo and group activities, earning rewards such as battle pets, mounts, and a transmog set.
John Barrymore October 18, 2023 4 minutes
Discover the new cosmetic options in Season 2 of Diablo 4, including the Sleepiest Kitty accessory pack and the Blood Petal and Envious Lust prestige sorcerer cosmetics. Stay tuned for daily shop refreshes and the possibility of new options to enhance your gameplay experience.