Tag Pre-Patch

John Barrymore April 20, 2024 4 minutes
Get a first look at the rewards from The War Within pre-patch event! These rewards include alt catch-up gear, battle pets, bags, trinkets, heirlooms, weapons, armor, and accessories, all sold by Remembrancer Amuulin Dalaran.
John Barrymore April 09, 2024 4 minutes
This blog post discusses the mounts and pets that will no longer be obtainable or harder to obtain with the launch of the Cataclysm pre-expansion patch. It provides a list of specific items and achievements that will be affected, including changes to Zul'Gurub and the Heroic Trial of the Crusader.
John Barrymore October 14, 2020 5 min read
But you will now get 130 item level in weekly chest instead of 475. As for gearing up, we still recommend farming +14 keys as you will get the max item level reward of 120 ilvem level gear. Shadowlands Pre-Patch is already here! There are some changes to the loot you get from mythic+ content due to the item level squish. The table below shows item level of gear you can expect to get in the mythic+ dungeons during the Shadowlands pre-patch. We provide information on both the end-of-dungeon loot a