Tag healing

John Barrymore March 11, 2024 2 minutes
In this blog post, the author discusses the current state of healing in Dragonflight. They explore the prevalence of defensive cooldowns and the lack of constant raid-wide damage encounters as potential causes for the issues with healing. The post also raises questions about the need for adjustments in healing and damage intake, as well as the potential complications that could arise from the addition of Hero Talents in The War Within.
John Barrymore February 23, 2024 4 minutes
Coming in the upcoming weekly maintenance, Blizzard will be implementing class tuning adjustments, including changes to Druid healing spells, Rogue's Redirect, and Shaman abilities. Additionally, Gnomeregan's increased armor values on mechanical bosses will be nerfed slightly. Stay tuned for more information on these updates.
John Barrymore December 26, 2023 7 minutes
In this blog post, the author reviews the healer changes implemented by Blizzard for Season 3 in Dragonflight. They discuss the goals of the changes, such as making resources matter more and improving single target heals, and evaluate whether these changes have improved or worsened healing in the game. The author also addresses the issue of an abundance of healing cooldowns and suggests potential solutions for balancing them.