Tag Warlock

John Barrymore April 25, 2024 2 minutes
Blizzard has shared development notes on the General and Affliction Talent Tree reworks in The War Within. Their goal is to make Malefic Rapture the primary spender for both single-target and multi-target situations, while also adding more adaptability and flexibility to the Affliction tree.
John Barrymore April 18, 2024 3 minutes
This blog post provides a preview of the new Hero Talent Trees introduced in The War Within Alpha. It showcases the talent trees for Hunter, Mage, Monk, Priest, and Warlock, giving players a glimpse into the updated abilities and options available for each class.
John Barrymore April 13, 2024 3 minutes
In the blog post, we explore the cosmetic rewards available in the Timerunning Pandaria of Dragonflight Patch 10.2.7. Players can now obtain recolored versions of the class-specific three-piece armor set and weapon arsenals from the Trading Post by completing specific Timerunning meta achievements. This provides players with more options and flexibility in earning these sets.
John Barrymore April 08, 2024 8 minutes
This blog post provides an early review of the Hellcaller Warlock Hero Talents in the upcoming The War Within expansion for World of Warcraft. The post discusses the abilities, talent choices, and gameplay interactions of the Hellcaller talent tree, specifically for Destruction Warlock players.
John Barrymore April 05, 2024 4 minutes
Discover the potential of the Hellcaller Warlock Hero Talents in the upcoming expansion of World of Warcraft. This early review explores the intricate mechanics and hidden strengths of the Affliction-Destruction pairing, including the power of Wither and the effects of various talent choices.
John Barrymore February 23, 2024 4 minutes
Former World of Warcraft game designer Alexander Brazier shares the chaotic tale of the famous Warlock class redesign in Mists of Pandaria. This blog post provides an intimate view of the successes, failures, and impractical ideas that shaped game design, highlighting the unique gameplay elements introduced for all three Warlock specializations.
John Barrymore February 16, 2024 3 minutes
In this blog post, the author reflects on the journey of the Destruction Warlock specialization in the Dragonflight expansion and shares their wishlist for the spec's next evolution in The War Within. They discuss Destruction's gameplay, its performance in raids and dungeons, and specific issues with the talent tree and tier sets. The author also offers suggestions for improving the spec's identity and quality of life improvements.
John Barrymore February 03, 2024 6 minutes
In this blog post, the author reflects on the performance of the Destruction Warlock spec in the Dragonflight expansion of World of Warcraft. They discuss the impact of tier sets and talent tree choices on the spec's damage output and highlight their wishlist for improvements in the upcoming expansion, The War Within.
John Barrymore January 23, 2024 7 minutes
In this blog post, the author provides a retrospective of the Affliction Warlock spec in the Dragonflight expansion and shares their wishlist for its evolution in the upcoming expansion, The War Within. They discuss the current gameplay issues, the spec's journey throughout Dragonflight, and potential changes that could be made in the future. The post is written by Kalamazi, a Warlock content creator focused on PVE.
John Barrymore November 17, 2023 4 minutes
The upcoming Patch 10.2.5 for Warlocks brings exciting new pet customizations, including the return of the Observer customization for the Darkglare and Demonic Tyrant cooldown pets. This blog post previews all the upcoming customizations and color options available for Warlocks in the new patch.
John Barrymore September 18, 2023 3 minutes
Get the inside scoop on the Dragonflight Season 3 Tier Set bonuses for Warlocks in Patch 10.2 PTR. Our guide writers provide their initial impressions and insights into how these bonuses will impact the Affliction, Demonology, and Destruction specializations. Find out which bonuses are strong, their gameplay implications, and potential room for improvement.
John Barrymore September 07, 2023 3 minutes
This blog post provides a sneak peek of the Season 3 Tier Sets coming in Patch 10.2 Guardians of the Dream for various classes in World of Warcraft. While the exact class sets are still unknown, the post promises to update once they are confirmed. The post also mentions additional rewards in the PvP section, including different color tints of the season's tier sets.