Tag adjustments

John Barrymore April 24, 2024 6 minutes
Blizzard has released full patch notes for the latest hotfixes, including adjustments to various classes in the Season of Discovery. Changes include Druids' Natural Weapons talent affecting all damage, Hunters' Rapid Killing reducing Rapid Fire cooldown by 80%, and Paladins' Seal of Righteousness being able to deal critical hits.
John Barrymore April 22, 2024 5 minutes
Blizzard is making class adjustments in Season of Discovery, including changes to Druid, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, and Shaman abilities. These adjustments aim to improve gameplay, increase damage output, and address player feedback. More adjustments for other classes are also planned for future updates.
John Barrymore February 27, 2024 3 minutes
Blizzard is implementing a 100% experience bonus for leveling characters in WoW Classic, allowing players to reach the max level of 40 faster. They are also reducing the cost of mount training and increasing the base gold reward from quest rewards below level 40 to compensate for the decreased time spent leveling.
John Barrymore November 21, 2023 3 minutes
Blizzard has announced upcoming Mythic+ dungeon tuning, with adjustments to enemy forces, spells, and difficulty levels across various dungeons. Atal'Dazar will be made more challenging, while Murozond's Rise and Throne of the Tides will be adjusted to be less difficult. These changes aim to bring better balance to Mythic+ dungeons in Season 3.
John Barrymore September 09, 2023 4 minutes
Blizzard has released a new hotfix blog with updates to quests in World of Warcraft. The Patch 10.1.7 quest No Limits can now be accessed without completing the mega-dungeon, and the Loamm Roamm Reverse Dragonriding Challenge will correctly award silver medals. Additionally, there are adjustments to PvP contribution calculations in WoW Classic Era to prevent players from exploiting dishonorable kills for faster progress.