Tag balancing

John Barrymore April 12, 2024 3 minutes
The Season of Discovery hotfixes for April 11 are now live, bringing various balance adjustments and bug fixes to Darkmoon Cards, classes, and specific encounters. Notable changes include increased proc chance for Darkmoon Card: Overgrowth, fixed stun effect for Cheap Shot, and addressing the evasion issue with Dreamscythe and Weaver in the Pit of Sacrifice.
John Barrymore January 17, 2024 4 minutes
In this blog post, we explore the necessary evil of nerfing overperforming builds in Diablo 4. We delve into the game's balancing philosophy, the issues with buffing instead of nerfing, the pitfalls of power creep, and the lessons learned from Diablo 3. The post concludes with the importance of communication and player feedback in implementing nerfs effectively.