Tag alpha

John Barrymore April 23, 2024 4 minutes
This blog post discusses the new Inscription crafted Darkmoon Deck trinkets coming to The War Within expansion. It explores the mechanics and potential upgrades of these epic trinkets, as well as the newly datamined Darkmoon Sigil optional reagents.
John Barrymore April 22, 2024 3 minutes
Blog Idea: Discover the Exciting New Gladiator Mounts in The War Within In this blog post, we explore the introduction of the armored gladiator mounts in the highly anticipated expansion, The War Within. These mounts, similar to Venthyr's covenant mounts but with more intricate details, are a fascinating addition to the game. Join us as we delve into the details and showcase the stunning visuals of these impressive new mounts.
John Barrymore April 21, 2024 3 minutes
This blog post discusses the addition of weapon models to match Night Elf Heritage Armor tints in the game War Within. These weapon models, although labeled as swords, have unique silhouettes and can potentially be classified as different weapon types, allowing for greater transmog use.
John Barrymore April 21, 2024 2 minutes
The blog post discusses the addition of cosmetic armor styled after the Earthen civilian garb in the game The War Within. The post explores the possibility of obtaining these armor sets and their limited availability to Dwarven models. It also provides links to view and style the different sets.
John Barrymore April 19, 2024 3 minutes
The blog post highlights the updates to the Battle.net Launcher, which now supports the public War Within Alpha. It also includes information on updated Talent Calculators for the War Within, as well as various features and developments in the game such as new storylines, dungeons, raids, and class and talent changes.
John Barrymore April 18, 2024 4 minutes
Blizzard has implemented class changes for Evokers in The War Within Alpha, addressing threat issues in the game. The changes include reducing the threat generated by Devastation Evokers' spells and incorporating new talents in the Preservation Tree.
John Barrymore April 18, 2024 3 minutes
This blog post provides a preview of the new Hero Talent Trees introduced in The War Within Alpha. It showcases the talent trees for Hunter, Mage, Monk, Priest, and Warlock, giving players a glimpse into the updated abilities and options available for each class.
John Barrymore April 17, 2024 3 minutes
Discover Brann Bronzebeard's Legendary Trinkets and Companion Gear in Season 1 of The War Within! Unveiling new possibilities for players, these unique items provide buffs and bonuses to the renowned explorer himself, enhancing his performance as a Delve companion. Stay tuned as more exciting details emerge from the Alpha test datamining.