Tag Assassination

John Barrymore January 23, 2024 5 minutes
In this blog post, Assassination Rogue Writer Whispyr reflects on the ups and downs of Assassination in Dragonflight and shares their wishlist for the spec's evolution in the upcoming War Within expansion. They discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the spec, its performance in Mythic+ and raiding, and offer suggestions for improvements. Whispyr also provides insights into potential changes for the Hero Specializations and the role of poisons and combo points in the spec's gameplay.
John Barrymore October 21, 2023 3 minutes
This blog post discusses the class change hotfixes applied to the 10.2 PTR by Blizzard, specifically focusing on the buffs made to Assassination Rogues. It covers the changes in talents, such as the addition of Caustic Spatter and the modifications to Garrote, Rupture, and Crimson Tempest. The post also highlights the effects of the Lucid Shadewalker's Silence item set on Envenom abilities.