Tag investigation

John Barrymore February 20, 2024 2 minutes
In this blog post, it is revealed that there is an issue with the Gnomeregan Raid Lockout in WoW Classic, causing some players to be unable to reset. Blizzard is aware of the problem and is currently investigating, with hopes of implementing a fix soon. Additionally, the post discusses the change in lockout timers for certain raids and clarifies that the Gnomeregan raid will now reset on the same day as Blackfathom Deeps.
John Barrymore September 18, 2023 3 minutes
Blizzard is currently investigating the use of kick bot macros in Rated PvP content. These macros, combined with automation programs like AutoHotKey, allow players to automate important interrupts and prevent spells from being cast under certain conditions. The issue has been highlighted by highly ranked players and content creators, and Blizzard is working to address it.