Tag Bronze

John Barrymore April 26, 2024 4 minutes
In the blog post, the author explores the character of Magni Bronzebeard in the War Within expansion of World of Warcraft. They discuss Magni's role in the Ringing Deeps zone, his dissatisfaction with being ignored by Azeroth, and his transformation from a diamond being to flesh and bone. The post also mentions the introduction of a potential new model for Magni.
John Barrymore April 24, 2024 2 minutes
Discover where to spend your newly earned Antique Bronze Bullion and Awakened Mark of Mastery in Dragonflight Season 4 at the Parting Glass in the Bronze Enclave. From gear to tier-related needs, explore the vendors and their offerings, including cosmetic weapon appearances and legendary upgrades. Share your first purchases in the comment section!
John Barrymore April 17, 2024 3 minutes
Discover Brann Bronzebeard's Legendary Trinkets and Companion Gear in Season 1 of The War Within! Unveiling new possibilities for players, these unique items provide buffs and bonuses to the renowned explorer himself, enhancing his performance as a Delve companion. Stay tuned as more exciting details emerge from the Alpha test datamining.
John Barrymore April 13, 2024 3 minutes
In the blog post, we explore the cosmetic rewards available in the Timerunning Pandaria of Dragonflight Patch 10.2.7. Players can now obtain recolored versions of the class-specific three-piece armor set and weapon arsenals from the Trading Post by completing specific Timerunning meta achievements. This provides players with more options and flexibility in earning these sets.
John Barrymore April 12, 2024 3 minutes
This blog post discusses the introduction of Timerunning gear upgrades in Dragonflight Patch 10.2.7. Players can use Bronze currency earned through quests and activities to upgrade their gear and fully upgrading Timerunning items can be costly. Additionally, the post mentions the new Infinite Bazaar and the presence of Infinite Dragonflight vendors in The Jade Forest.