Tag Tempering

John Barrymore March 20, 2024 9 minutes
This blog post provides an overview of the Diablo 4 PTR, highlighting the most interesting content, features, and quality-of-life improvements. It covers the upcoming Season 4, itemization rework, base item updates, additional updates, new systems like tempering and masterworking, class updates, hardcore changes, endgame content, Q&A, and future plans for the game.
John Barrymore March 20, 2024 2 minutes
This blog post discusses the new crafting system, Tempering, coming to Diablo 4 in Season 4. It explains how players can add specific affixes to improve Rare and Legendary items, the different categories of affixes available, and the limitations of applying Tempered Affixes to certain items. The post also highlights the introduction of Tempering Durability and the increased customization options this new system brings to the game.