Tag development

John Barrymore June 11, 2024 2 minutes
The blog post covers the latest development notes by Blizzard for The War Within Beta, focusing on the June 11th update which includes a detailed overview of changes for various character classes. The major highlights include the Hunter rework, new talents, adjustments to existing abilities, and updates to trinket effects, providing players with a comprehensive look at the recent changes.
John Barrymore May 21, 2024 3 minutes
The blog post covers the latest changes and updates in The War Within Alpha, including adjustments to talent loadouts, Warlocks, Mages, Death Knights, Druids, Rogues, Evokers, Monks, Paladins, Priests, Rogues, and Warlocks. New talents, adjustments in talent locations, and various changes have been implemented to enhance gameplay experience.
John Barrymore May 18, 2024 3 minutes
Designing Seamless Underground Zones in The War Within: Exploring the intricate connections and diverse environments of underground zones, featuring insights on zone structure, cultural inspirations, and future content designs to create a dynamic world for players to engage with.
John Barrymore April 19, 2024 4 minutes
This blog post explores the challenges of planning a narrative over three expansions in the World Soul Saga in World of Warcraft. It discusses the development status of each expansion, the role of Xal'atath, and the ambiguity surrounding whether or not Azeroth is truly a Titan. The post also delves into the importance of continuity and player choice in shaping the story.
John Barrymore February 06, 2024 4 minutes
In this blog post, Holly Longdale, the Executive Producer & Vice President for WoW, shares the team's focus and commitment to their roadmap for World of Warcraft in 2024. She also announces a surprise for the community in March, revealing that there will not be a 10.2.6 PTR and teasing an upcoming hidden content update.
John Barrymore November 18, 2023 3 minutes
This blog post summarizes Preach Gaming's interview with Game Director Ion Hazzikostos on Blizzard's changing development philosophy for World of Warcraft. The article covers topics such as the addition of account-wide content, the evolution of storytelling, and the commitment to a multi-expansion story arc called the World Soul Saga.
John Barrymore October 18, 2023 4 minutes
Blizzard has released the Dragonflight Patch 10.2 PTR Development notes, detailing updates and changes to classes and specializations in the game. The patch includes adjustments to abilities, damage increases, and fixes for various issues across multiple classes, providing players with a more balanced and enhanced gaming experience.