Tag Reclamation

John Barrymore January 27, 2024 14 minutes
Is Calia Menethil, the light-created undead and sister of Arthas, secretly plotting to claim the throne of Lordaeron? This blog post explores the questionable motives and trustworthiness of Calia, as well as her association with the Light and the potential consequences of a light-aligned ruler in Azeroth.
John Barrymore November 25, 2023 5 minutes
Patch 10.2.5, Seeds of Renewal, will feature a Gilneas revamp and reclamation, allowing players to help King Greymane retake his kingdom. Speculation suggests a conflict with the Scarlet Crusade and the possible discovery of a Menethil heir to the throne of Lordaeron. The questline will involve both Alliance and Horde players and promises to bring political intrigue and conflict back to the World of Warcraft.