Tag Currency

John Barrymore April 18, 2024 4 minutes
The blog post highlights Blizzard's new Warband system, showcasing features such as easy currency transfer, account-wide achievements, improvements to transmog collection, and more. The video provides an overview of the exciting updates and improvements that players can expect from the new system.
John Barrymore April 12, 2024 3 minutes
This blog post discusses the introduction of Timerunning gear upgrades in Dragonflight Patch 10.2.7. Players can use Bronze currency earned through quests and activities to upgrade their gear and fully upgrading Timerunning items can be costly. Additionally, the post mentions the new Infinite Bazaar and the presence of Infinite Dragonflight vendors in The Jade Forest.
John Barrymore February 01, 2024 5 minutes
Blizzard announced that players in Argentina will no longer be able to purchase Blizzard products using their local currency and will be required to use the US Dollar instead. This change comes as a result of the volatile economic situation and high inflation rate in Argentina. The new pricing will significantly increase the cost for players, with a potential increase of 236% in the price of a 6-month subscription over a three-year period.
John Barrymore September 01, 2023 3 minutes
Discover the new Oasis Healer Prestige Sorcerer Cosmetics in the latest Shop rotation for Diablo 4. Immerse yourself in the arid lands and lush oases of Kehjistan with this stylish new set, inspired by the legend of T'jier. Stay tuned for more exciting cosmetic options as the shop refreshes daily at approximately 10 am PDT!