Tag Alts

John Barrymore March 03, 2024 5 minutes
This blog post discusses preparation for the upcoming expansion, The War Within, including tips on managing alts with profession combinations and racial bonuses. It also covers recent changes to gold making and the economy in the current season, Season of Discovery. Additionally, there is a section on maximizing gold through Inscription in Wrath of the Lich King Classic.
John Barrymore November 03, 2023 2 minutes
Discover the benefits of the upcoming Warbands feature in The War Within expansion, enabling players to enhance their alts' progression by sharing renown, reputation, achievements, and more across their Battle.net® account. Also, explore an exciting change to transmog collection that allows players to learn the appearance of any gear type.
John Barrymore October 22, 2023 9 minutes
In this blog post, the writer covers various topics related to the World of Warcraft economy. They discuss a helpful website for tracking progress with alts, speculate on investing in materials, share an interview with a gold maker, and provide a guide on skinning farms in Classic Hardcore. It's a comprehensive post for players interested in maximizing their gold-making potential.