Tag Alpha build

John Barrymore May 14, 2024 3 minutes
This blog post covers the latest Alpha build notes from Blizzard, detailing numerous class changes and the introduction of the Totemic Hero Tree. Learn about the new Hero Talents available for playtesting in Public Alpha 5 and the specific changes made to classes like Shaman, Death Knight, Druid, Evoker, Mage, Warlock, Warrior, Paladin, Priest, and more.
John Barrymore May 14, 2024 3 minutes
This week's blog post covers the latest Alpha build updates for The War Within, highlighting significant class changes and the introduction of the Totemic Hero Tree. Stay informed about the new Hero Talents available for playtesting and the detailed adjustments made to various classes in this Alpha update.
John Barrymore May 10, 2024 2 minutes
Explore the latest changes to the Rogue Class and Spec talent trees in the new Alpha build. Get a glimpse into the philosophy and design behind the three Rogue Hero Talent trees and share your feedback to influence upcoming iterations. Keep an eye out for upcoming tweaks to hero talents and stay engaged with the Fatebound and Trickster trees' evolution.
John Barrymore May 09, 2024 3 minutes
Discover the latest developer insight into the core class and Unholy spec tree changes for Death Knights in The War Within Alpha build. Learn about the adjustments to talent placements, baseline abilities, and cooldown reductions to enhance gameplay fluidity and build variety. Stay tuned for upcoming Frost and Blood changes as the developers continue to refine the Death Knight experience.