Tag Discovery

John Barrymore December 11, 2023 5 minutes
This blog post highlights the responses of WoW Classic Senior Producer Josh Greenfield to questions asked by a member of the Community Council. Greenfield shares insights on the development of Season of Discovery and Cataclysm Classic, discussing topics such as narrative approach, rune sources, future plans, guild perks, LFR, dungeon difficulty, and rewards.
John Barrymore December 10, 2023 5 minutes
In this blog post, the WoW Economy Weekly Wrap-up discusses the unique economy of the Season of Discovery in World of Warcraft. It explores the various ways players can make gold, including questing, farming, fishing, and utilizing professions. The post also addresses the issue of bots in the game and provides tips and guides for maximizing gold-making opportunities.
John Barrymore December 06, 2023 3 minutes
This blog post provides a travel guide for WoW Classic players in Season of Discovery who need to navigate Azeroth without a mount. It offers tips on the quickest and most efficient travel methods, including Alliance routes to Horde zones such as Hillsbrad Foothills. The post also covers the basics of traveling, including flight points, zeppelins, and ships.
John Barrymore December 04, 2023 2 minutes
This blog post highlights the recent discovery of new crafted profession gear and items in the Season of Discovery update. It specifically focuses on the hidden location of the formulas and patterns needed to craft the Blackfathom Mana Oil and Blackfathom Sharpening Stone, which can be found in the Blackfathom Deeps raid. The post also mentions that this is just the beginning of the secrets to uncover in Phase 1 of the Season of Discovery.
John Barrymore December 03, 2023 3 minutes
Blizzard's decision to hide server information and disallow name reservations for WoW Classic Season of Discovery has sparked controversy. The developers believe it has resulted in a more balanced player distribution, but it may have come at the cost of players' agency to choose their preferred server and faction. Blizzard is addressing the feedback and aims to maintain faction balance, although there may be temporary restrictions on faction selection in PvP realms.
John Barrymore December 02, 2023 3 minutes
Blizzard previews what players can look forward to in WoW Classic's Season of Discovery, including a glimpse of the upcoming Gnomeregan raid and a zone-wide PvP event in Stranglethorn Vale. The focus is on fun rather than perfect balance, and players can expect new discoveries and abilities through runes found in the open world.
John Barrymore December 02, 2023 2 minutes
The upcoming WoW Classic Season of Discovery will have a cap of Rank 3 for PvP, with certain items and activities not available during Phase 1. The blog post provides details on what will be restricted and the plans for increasing the rank cap as the season progresses.
John Barrymore November 30, 2023 4 minutes
Discover the insights from interviews with Blizzard developers on the design and development of Classic's Season of Discovery. Learn about their vision for new class abilities, leveling bands, itemization, rune system, and more. Find out how they balance fun, class fantasy, and player choice while keeping the essence of Classic WoW intact.
John Barrymore November 26, 2023 3 minutes
In this blog post, the author discusses different strategies for earning gold in the Classic Season of Discovery in World of Warcraft. They cover techniques such as skinning, enchanting, tailoring, and leatherworking for making early gold. The post also explores the soaring prices of certain items like the Obsidian Cobraskin and Centaur's Trophy Necklace in the game's latest patch, as well as the impact of racial abilities on professions.
John Barrymore November 13, 2023 5 minutes
The WoW Variety Show is back with Episode 3 in WoW Classic, featuring both Hardcore and Season of Discovery. Join the race to defeat Hogger, compete in the Blackfathom Deeps race, and duel to the death in Mak'gora Madness. There will be surprises and prizes for participants and audience members, so don't miss out on the action!
John Barrymore November 10, 2023 5 minutes
Blizzard hosted a Post BlizzCon Developer Q&A session discussing Cataclysm Classic and Season of Discovery. The Q&A covered various topics such as guild perks, loot roll windows, leveling speed, raids, and the possibility of new content. Blizzard also shared their thoughts on gold buying, realm adjustments, balancing player power, racial skills, and the future of seasonal realms.
John Barrymore November 10, 2023 4 minutes
This blog post explores the discovery of two Ashenvale mounts in WoW Classic Season of Discovery PTR, designed for open world PvP. These mounts, Trainee's Sentinel Nightsaber and Trainee's Outrider Wolf, allow players to navigate the zone faster while engaging in PvP, making Ashenvale a battleground for zone-wide PvP events. Additionally, the post mentions the possibility of earning an exclusive mount through the Warsong Outriders/Silverwing Sentinels factions.
John Barrymore November 10, 2023 3 minutes
The latest update to World of Warcraft Classic's Public Test Realm introduces Patch 1.15.0, including information on the upcoming Season of Discovery. The patch includes UI adjustments, bug fixes, and new features such as enemy castbars and debuff duration display on the default enemy unit frame.
John Barrymore November 10, 2023 5 minutes
Discover new and exciting runes found in the WoW Classic Season of Discovery PTR, including Gladiator Stance for Warriors and Aspect of the Lion for Hunters. Although these runes may not be final and could be subject to changes or exclusion, they offer an interesting glimpse into potential gameplay enhancements.
John Barrymore November 06, 2023 4 minutes
Discover the highlights of BlizzCon 2023, including the exciting reveals for World of Warcraft Classic's Season of Discovery, new rune engraving system, 10-man raid dungeons, and the announcement of Cataclysm Classic. Get all the details and exclusive interviews in one convenient roundup by Wowhead.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 4 minutes
Wowhead interview with Linny Cooke-Saverline and Tim Jones discussing the upcoming WoW Classic Season of Discovery. They cover topics such as hardcore self-found mode, PvP changes, balancing, and potential new tier sets. The developers address player concerns and discuss the future of the game.
John Barrymore November 04, 2023 6 minutes
This blog post highlights the upcoming updates of Cataclysm Classic and the new optional ruleset of Classic Hardcore Self Found mode. It also discusses the Season of Discovery, which introduces new experiences, discoveries, level banded content phases, and raids for players to explore. Rune Engraving, new abilities for different classes, and PvP events in Ashenvale are also mentioned.
John Barrymore November 03, 2023 3 minutes
Blizzard's WoW Classic Season of Discovery is set to launch soon, featuring a level cap of 25. The popular Black Fathom Deeps will also be expanded into a 10-player raid, complete with new bosses and other exciting changes. However, rather than introducing new raids, Blizzard will release phases with lower level caps, gradually increasing the level cap and introducing new content after a few months.
John Barrymore November 03, 2023 4 minutes
BlizzCon 2023 highlights include the upcoming release of Cataclysm Classic, featuring goblins, worgen, transmog, and more. Additionally, a new optional ruleset called Classic Hardcore Self Found mode will be introduced in 2024, and the Season of Discovery will offer hidden quests and level banded content phases for a more balanced gameplay experience.