Tag Affliction Warlock

John Barrymore April 05, 2024 4 minutes
Discover the potential of the Hellcaller Warlock Hero Talents in the upcoming expansion of World of Warcraft. This early review explores the intricate mechanics and hidden strengths of the Affliction-Destruction pairing, including the power of Wither and the effects of various talent choices.
John Barrymore January 23, 2024 7 minutes
In this blog post, the author provides a retrospective of the Affliction Warlock spec in the Dragonflight expansion and shares their wishlist for its evolution in the upcoming expansion, The War Within. They discuss the current gameplay issues, the spec's journey throughout Dragonflight, and potential changes that could be made in the future. The post is written by Kalamazi, a Warlock content creator focused on PVE.