Tag Emerald Bounties

John Barrymore October 01, 2023 3 minutes
Discover the exciting new world events in the Emerald Dream zone with Patch 10.2. From Superblooms to Emerald Frenzies and Emerald Bounties, this post provides a detailed overview of the activities, rewards, and how to participate in these events.
John Barrymore September 20, 2023 5 minutes
Blizzard has revealed details about the upcoming Public Events in the Emerald Dream for Patch 10.2. Superblooms and Emerald Bounties are the two main events, offering players the chance to participate in major scenarios and micro events that involve helping the Ancient of Life, Sprucecrown, with tasks and growing Dreamseeds. Players can also join a special test session on the PTR realm and play alongside members of the WoW development team.