Tag Discovery

John Barrymore February 29, 2024 2 minutes
This blog post explores the return of Xal'atath, the mysterious Void entity, in Season of Discovery Phase 2. Through a quest chain involving the Shadowy Figure, believed to be Xal'atath, players obtain a Charged Voidcore, which creates a debt owed to Xal'atath. The post speculates on the nature of this debt and what it may mean for future content.
John Barrymore February 27, 2024 3 minutes
Blizzard has released a Season of Discovery Developer Update, discussing the implementation of the Discoverer's Delight XP Buff, level 60 raid size adjustments, and level 60 itemization changes. The blog post also highlights upcoming changes to XP gain, gold costs, and quest rewards to enhance the leveling experience. Additionally, the team addresses the debate around raid size at level 60 and seeks player feedback on balancing the enjoyment of different playstyles.
John Barrymore February 15, 2024 4 minutes
Blizzard has released hotfixes for WoW Classic's Season of Discovery Realms, addressing issues with the Blood Moon event, Gnomeregan bosses, and class tweaks. The hotfixes include corrections for Blood Loa stacks, health bonuses for the Blood Moon, mana restoration for resurrection, and more.
John Barrymore February 10, 2024 3 minutes
This blog post provides an update on the Wowhead team's research progress in discovering Rune locations for different classes in Season of Discovery Phase 2. They have found most of the runes, except for one Paladin rune, and are continuously updating their guides with new discoveries.
John Barrymore February 10, 2024 3 minutes
Discover the latest updates on Rune discoveries in World of Warcraft's Season of Discovery Phase 2. The Wowhead team has been diligently researching and updating their guides with the latest Rune findings. Find out which class runes have been discovered and which are still waiting to be found!
John Barrymore February 09, 2024 5 minutes
In this blog post, we provide a list of trainers for unlocking the Expert rank in each profession in the game. We also explain the requirements needed to reach this level and where to find vendors for secondary professions. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, this guide will help you navigate the world of professions in Season of Discovery.
John Barrymore February 09, 2024 3 minutes
Season of Discovery Phase 2 in World of Warcraft brings new Rune locations for various classes. The Wowhead team has been working hard to update their guides with the latest discoveries, and community members have been instrumental in providing data. Check out the progress on Druid, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, and Warrior Runes.
John Barrymore February 07, 2024 6 minutes
In this blog post, the Warcraft Logs team reflects on Phase 1 of Season of Discovery and discusses the challenges they encountered, such as spec detection and encounter standards. They also outline their plans for Phase 2 and invite readers to join the discussion on Discord or contact them via email for any questions or support.
Undermoroz February 07, 2024 2 minutes
This blog post provides a detailed overview of the exciting new features in World of Warcraft's Season of Discovery Phase 2, including the Gnomeregan Raid, new class runes, and the PvP event in Stranglethorn Vale. Discover all the latest improvements and additions that are set to enhance your WoW experience.
John Barrymore February 06, 2024 3 minutes
Scottejaye's exclusive interview with WoW Classic developers Clayton Stone and Ana Resendez delves into the highlights of Phase 2 of Season of Discovery. From improvements based on lessons learned in Phase 1 to new runes and the Gnomeregan Level-Up raid, this article compiles the key information you need to know.
John Barrymore January 31, 2024 3 minutes
Blizzard introduces new experience gains in Season of Discovery Phase 2, with a 50% XP boost from levels 1 to 25 and bonus XP for completing Blackfathom Deeps. It's not too late to join in and catch up with friends, as new players will have the opportunity to level up quickly and gain more experience from Waylaid Supplies.
John Barrymore January 31, 2024 16 minutes
The blog post discusses the new runes that are being introduced in Phase 2 of the WoW Classic PTR for different classes such as Warriors, Paladins, Hunters, Rogues, Priests, Shamans, Mages, Warlocks, and Druids. These runes provide various enhancements and abilities to the players, allowing for more customization and strategic gameplay.
John Barrymore January 30, 2024 21 minutes
This blog post discusses the new runes that have been datamined in World of Warcraft (WoW) Classic PTR for the Season of Discovery Phase 2. The post highlights various runes available to different classes such as Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Warlock, and Druid, explaining their effects and abilities. Please note that these runes are still being tested and may not all be available in the final version.
John Barrymore January 30, 2024 2 minutes
This blog post discusses the issue of datamining in World of Warcraft Classic. The Senior Producer addresses the potential spoilers and advises players to be cautious and avoid spoilers if they don't want to be spoiled. The post also explains the reasons behind the PTR for the Season of Discovery content.
John Barrymore January 30, 2024 2 minutes
This blog post discusses the upcoming changes to world buffs in World of Warcraft's Season of Discovery Phase 2. It covers the introduction of a new world buff in the Gnomeregan raid dungeon, the absence of world buffs in the Stranglethorn Vale PvP event, and the exclusion of world buffs for players above level 39 in the Ashenvale PvP event and Blackfathom Deeps dungeon. Players can also expect increased experience gained in the Blackfathom Deeps raid, but world buffs will no longer be applicabl
John Barrymore January 30, 2024 2 minutes
The blog post discusses the details of the lockouts in the Gnomeregan raid during Season of Discovery Phase 2. It explains that there will be a longer lockout period for the first two weeks to accommodate hardcore players, allowing them to raid right away after reaching level 40. This compromise aims to prevent slower levelers from missing out on too many lockouts.
John Barrymore January 30, 2024 5 minutes
Blizzard has released a preview of Season of Discovery Phase 2 for World of Warcraft Classic, showcasing new raid information, dungeon updates, PvP events, and profession updates. The preview includes details on the Gnomeregan raid dungeon, boss updates, new loot and item sets, PvP event The Blood Moon, PvP matchmaking adjustments, Ashenvale updates, profession expansion, and a change regarding GDKP runs. Season of Discovery Phase 2 will launch on February 8.
John Barrymore January 24, 2024 3 minutes
This blog post explores the DPS rankings for Phase 1 of Season of Discovery in Blackfathom Deeps, using data from Warcraft Logs. It provides a perspective on class balance, acknowledging potential biases in the data and discussing the influence of alternative strategies and parse funneling. The post also includes links to class guides for Phase 1.
John Barrymore January 23, 2024 6 minutes
This blog post explores the most impactful new spells and talents gained between levels 26 and 40 in Phase 2 of Season of Discovery. It delves into the classes that will see the biggest improvements, such as Warlocks, Warriors, Druids, Rogues, Mages, Shadow Priests, and Elemental Shamans, highlighting their new abilities and their potential impact on the meta.
John Barrymore January 22, 2024 3 minutes
This blog post provides an overview of the upcoming events and updates in World of Warcraft. From the Season of Discovery Phase 2 to signing up for the Arena World Championship and Mythic Dungeon International, this post covers all the important news and events happening in the game this week.
John Barrymore January 16, 2024 4 minutes
Get ready for Phase 2 of Season of Discovery in the game, as it brings a new level cap and new consumables for level 40 characters. While we don't know about any new items yet, here's a comprehensive list of the best consumables available in Phase 2 that we already know exist. From food buffs to potions and elixirs, item enhancements, and bandages, this guide has got you covered. Plus, check out class-specific Rune guides for a complete gaming experience.
John Barrymore January 10, 2024 3 minutes
This blog post provides an analysis of the DPS rankings for Phase 1 of Season of Discovery in Blackfathom Deeps. It uses data from Warcraft Logs to give a perspective on the current state of class balance, while acknowledging the inherent biases in interpreting the data. The post also includes overall statistics and links to class guides for Phase 1.
John Barrymore January 08, 2024 2 minutes
Blizzard announces exciting promotions and events for World of Warcraft players this week, including the Phase 2 release of Season of Discovery and the Ruby Sanctum raid. Stay up-to-date with the latest news and mark your calendars for these upcoming adventures in Azeroth.
John Barrymore December 29, 2023 3 minutes
The Season of Discovery in Warsong Gulch has brought an undocumented change - a 25% reduction in damage against enemy players. While players have been discussing this bug on various platforms, there has been no official communication from the developers. Some speculate that the reduction might be a flat 20% without a helmet equipped. However, it is important to ensure that this reduction is applied consistently to all players and pets.
John Barrymore December 28, 2023 3 minutes
This blog post analyzes the DPS rankings for Phase 1 of Season of Discovery in Blackfathom Deeps using data from Warcraft Logs. It explores the current state of class balance, highlighting that the rankings may not provide a complete picture due to biases and alternative strategies. The post also includes class guides for Phase 1 specs.
John Barrymore December 27, 2023 3 minutes
This blog post investigates the presence of Xal'atath, the Harbinger of the Void, in Classic's Season of Discovery. It explores the questline involving a mysterious Shadowy Figure and the creation of void-touched armaments. The post speculates on whether this figure could be Xal'atath and delves into the possibilities of her avatar and time-travel abilities.
John Barrymore December 22, 2023 2 minutes
This blog post provides an overview of the PvP Honor Ranking System in WoW Classic and Season of Discovery. It also highlights the Ranker addon, which helps calculate the minimum amount of Honor required to rank up each week. The post discusses the maximum ranks in Phase 1, the benefits of reaching Rank 3, and the updates to the PvP Honor Ranking System in Patch 14.4.
John Barrymore December 15, 2023 4 minutes
This blog post from Blizzard discusses the development adjustments for the Battle for Ashenvale in Season of Discovery in World of Warcraft Classic. It delves into the technical details of how the battle works, the issues encountered with layers, and the changes that will be implemented to address these problems. The post emphasizes transparency and the team's commitment to learning from their mistakes.
John Barrymore December 12, 2023 4 minutes
This blog post discusses the additional changes to the Season of Discovery hotfixes implemented by Blizzard, including updates to hunter pets, adjustments to Scorpid poison, changes to the durability of hunter pets, and the redesign of Aspect of the Lion. It also highlights the lowered elemental resistances in Blackfathom Deeps for a level 25 raid.