Tag Dungeon

John Barrymore October 11, 2023 3 minutes
This blog post discusses the recent nerfs to Morchie's Time Traps in the 10.2 PTR Mythic+ dungeon tuning. The changes reduce the upfront damage but apply the same amount of total damage over time, reducing the potential for players to be one-shotted when multiple traps are triggered simultaneously.
John Barrymore October 10, 2023 5 minutes
The blog post discusses the release of Phase 4 of Wrath Classic Fall of the Lich King, including the launch of Icecrown Citadel and the new dungeons, as well as updates to the game mechanics and bug fixes. It also introduces the new collections interface and adjustments to various classes.
John Barrymore October 07, 2023 2 minutes
This blog post discusses the upcoming updates and improvements to Nightmare Dungeons in Season 2. These changes include improved layouts, removed objectives in some dungeons, and placing objectives on the critical path. The post also mentions the community's feedback and whether these changes will address the issues with certain dungeons.
John Barrymore September 15, 2023 3 minutes
In this week's GG WoW video, Dratnos and Tettles dive into the Season 3 dungeon pool in World of Warcraft. They discuss their initial thoughts on each dungeon and speculate on the future of Dragonflight dungeons. From favorites to potential challenges, they share their insights and invite readers to share their own opinions in the comments.
John Barrymore September 09, 2023 5 minutes
This blog post introduces the Random Dungeon Finder tool and Defense Protocol Gamma in the Wrath Classic Patch 3.4.3 PTR. Players can now test the random dungeon finder for various dungeons, including Defense Protocol Gamma, which offers increased difficulty and unique buffs. The post also highlights known issues and incomplete functions in these features.
John Barrymore September 08, 2023 3 minutes
This blog post provides datamined dungeon timers for the Mythic+ dungeons in Dragonflight Season 3. It explores the differences in duration between dungeons and suggests that players may gravitate towards shorter dungeons due to the significant disparity in timers. Note that these timers are subject to change as the tuning and adjustments for Mythic+ continue.
John Barrymore September 06, 2023 6 minutes
Speculating on the Season 3 Mythic+ dungeon rotation, this blog post explores potential dungeon picks based on patch themes and player popularity. From Scarlet Halls in Mists of Pandaria to Atal'Dazar in Battle for Azeroth, the post dives into possible choices and their suitability for Mythic+ scaling.
John Barrymore September 06, 2023 3 minutes
This blog post discusses a bug in the game Diablo where characters fall to the ground after failing a Nightmare Dungeon. The post explores the community's opinions on whether this bug should be fixed before the upcoming Season of Blood or if it adds an interesting element to the game.
John Barrymore December 09, 2020 30 minutes
The first boss in Theater of Pain is An Affront of Challengers. You will actually fight against three bosses: Dessia the Вecapitator, Paceran the Virulent, Sathel the Accursed and there is also another invincible boss that will take part in the encounter as well: Xira the Underhanded. We will talk about him later.