Tag WoW

John Barrymore December 11, 2023 5 minutes
This blog post highlights the responses of WoW Classic Senior Producer Josh Greenfield to questions asked by a member of the Community Council. Greenfield shares insights on the development of Season of Discovery and Cataclysm Classic, discussing topics such as narrative approach, rune sources, future plans, guild perks, LFR, dungeon difficulty, and rewards.
John Barrymore December 09, 2023 3 minutes
Get a recap of the recent WoW Community Council Live Chat where developers discuss upcoming updates for WoW Classic, including Wrath Classic and Season of Discovery. Topics covered include new roles unlocked from Runes, improvements to future events, the possibility of non-unique Supply Crates, support for Melee-weaving Hunters, and the fate of characters when the Season ends.
John Barrymore December 03, 2023 3 minutes
Blizzard's decision to hide server information and disallow name reservations for WoW Classic Season of Discovery has sparked controversy. The developers believe it has resulted in a more balanced player distribution, but it may have come at the cost of players' agency to choose their preferred server and faction. Blizzard is addressing the feedback and aims to maintain faction balance, although there may be temporary restrictions on faction selection in PvP realms.
John Barrymore December 02, 2023 3 minutes
Blizzard previews what players can look forward to in WoW Classic's Season of Discovery, including a glimpse of the upcoming Gnomeregan raid and a zone-wide PvP event in Stranglethorn Vale. The focus is on fun rather than perfect balance, and players can expect new discoveries and abilities through runes found in the open world.
John Barrymore December 02, 2023 2 minutes
The upcoming WoW Classic Season of Discovery will have a cap of Rank 3 for PvP, with certain items and activities not available during Phase 1. The blog post provides details on what will be restricted and the plans for increasing the rank cap as the season progresses.
John Barrymore December 01, 2023 5 minutes
Looking to earn some rewards in World of Warcraft's Trading Post for December 2023? Check out this blog post for a rundown of the easiest tasks to complete, including slaying Doomwalker, launching fireworks in capital cities, and defeating raid bosses. With these tips, you'll be on your way to earning the Buttercuppet and Trader's Tender!
John Barrymore November 26, 2023 3 minutes
In this blog post, the author discusses different strategies for earning gold in the Classic Season of Discovery in World of Warcraft. They cover techniques such as skinning, enchanting, tailoring, and leatherworking for making early gold. The post also explores the soaring prices of certain items like the Obsidian Cobraskin and Centaur's Trophy Necklace in the game's latest patch, as well as the impact of racial abilities on professions.
John Barrymore November 21, 2023 4 minutes
Read an interview with Warcraft General Manager John Hight on But Why Tho? to learn about the growth of the Warcraft franchise, including newer additions like WoW Classic and Warcraft Rumble, as well as the future of World of Warcraft with the Worldsoul Saga. Explore the challenges of creating a new game within an existing franchise, maintaining the delicate balance between nostalgia and innovation in WoW Classic, and ensuring a cohesive and immersive player experience in the face of cosmic thre
John Barrymore November 20, 2023 2 minutes
This blog post discusses the discovery of new entries in the WoW Scenescript database file, which suggest the addition of a new game mode in Patch 10.2.5. The entries are labeled as 'Vampire Survivors' and the post speculates on how this new mode might be implemented in WoW, drawing insights from the indie roguelike bullet hell game called Vampire Survivors. The post also raises questions about the potential connection to Dreadlords and the possibility of new armor sets as rewards.
John Barrymore November 20, 2023 11 minutes
This blog post discusses the recent WoW Token restrictions and their potential impact on token prices. It also explores methods of gold making in patch 10.2 and suggests alternatives for the Inspiration system in professions. Additionally, it mentions the decline in prices for Dracothyst and highlights a Worldwide Loot Appraiser Challenge.
John Barrymore November 17, 2023 3 minutes
Blizzard hints at a new cross-over promotion between Hearthstone and WoW in celebration of Hearthstone's 10th anniversary in 2024. The first 10.2.5 PTR build reveals a variety of new Hearthstone-themed items and features, including mounts, pets, and cosmetic items.
John Barrymore November 13, 2023 5 minutes
The WoW Variety Show is back with Episode 3 in WoW Classic, featuring both Hardcore and Season of Discovery. Join the race to defeat Hogger, compete in the Blackfathom Deeps race, and duel to the death in Mak'gora Madness. There will be surprises and prizes for participants and audience members, so don't miss out on the action!
John Barrymore November 10, 2023 4 minutes
This blog post explores the discovery of two Ashenvale mounts in WoW Classic Season of Discovery PTR, designed for open world PvP. These mounts, Trainee's Sentinel Nightsaber and Trainee's Outrider Wolf, allow players to navigate the zone faster while engaging in PvP, making Ashenvale a battleground for zone-wide PvP events. Additionally, the post mentions the possibility of earning an exclusive mount through the Warsong Outriders/Silverwing Sentinels factions.
John Barrymore November 10, 2023 5 minutes
Discover new and exciting runes found in the WoW Classic Season of Discovery PTR, including Gladiator Stance for Warriors and Aspect of the Lion for Hunters. Although these runes may not be final and could be subject to changes or exclusion, they offer an interesting glimpse into potential gameplay enhancements.
John Barrymore November 09, 2023 4 minutes
The blog post explores the upcoming release of McFarlane Toys' World of Warcraft collectible figurines, featuring dragonriding mounts and player classes. These highly detailed figurines can be pre-ordered and are expected to ship in December 2023.
John Barrymore November 06, 2023 4 minutes
Discover the highlights of BlizzCon 2023, including the exciting reveals for World of Warcraft Classic's Season of Discovery, new rune engraving system, 10-man raid dungeons, and the announcement of Cataclysm Classic. Get all the details and exclusive interviews in one convenient roundup by Wowhead.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 2 minutes
In a recent Reddit clarification, Ion Hazzikostas, Game Director for WoW, revealed that the upcoming Dragonflight Fated Season 4 will feature a Dinar-type system similar to the one in Shadowlands. Hazzikostas clarified his earlier comment about the system being too generous, explaining that it was in reference to implementing the loot system across all seasons, as they want to avoid vendors becoming the default way to acquire the best gear in WoW each season.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 1 minute
Blizzard Gear Store now offers WoW-themed shirts, including the popular What Sword? design. The War Within Key Art T-Shirt showcases updated character models and poses, while the What Sword? T-Shirt references a long-running community meme. Sales contribute to supporting Wowhead's site operations.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 4 minutes
This blog post provides a summary of the recent interview with Game Director Ion Hazzikostas, where he confirms that Dragonflight will have a Season 4 featuring Fated Raids. The interview also covers details about World of Warcraft's upcoming expansion, The War Within, and discusses various aspects of the game's development and future updates.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 5 minutes
Read about the exciting new features coming to World of Warcraft in the War Within expansion, including the introduction of delves, a new outdoor endgame content system that offers exploration, mysteries, and treasure. Additionally, learn about the convenience-focused Warbands system, the customizable flying machine mounts, and the revamped hero talents.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 4 minutes
The blog post discusses an interview with the design team of the popular game World of Warcraft, revealing that the three-part expansion called Worldsoul Saga will conclude by 2030. The team aims to release the expansions at a faster pace than before, with each expansion offering unique activities and zones while still maintaining a cohesive story. The upcoming expansion, The War Within, is set to release soon, marking a slightly faster release cadence compared to previous expansions.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 2 minutes
Blizzard has released two World of Warcraft-themed shirts, including the popular What Sword? design, on the Blizzard Gear Store. The War Within Key Art shirt features updated models of Thrall, Alleria, and Anduin, while the What Sword? design has become a community meme. A portion of sales will support Wowhead's site operations.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 1 minute
Blizzard has released two new World of Warcraft-themed shirts, What Sword? and The War Within Key Art T-Shirt, on their Gear Store. The What Sword? t-shirt, priced at $35, has been a long-standing meme in the WoW community and will play a role in the upcoming Worldsoul Saga. A portion of the sales will support Wowhead's site operations.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 2 minutes
Blizzard has released two World of Warcraft-themed shirts, including the popular What Sword? design, on the Blizzard Gear Store. The shirts feature iconic characters and are available for purchase, with a portion of sales contributing to support Wowhead's site operations.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 3 minutes
BlizzCon 2023 interview highlights the future of WoW in The War Within expansion, including narrative focus, zone design, Warbands, Dynamic Flight, and AI integration. Developers discuss player concerns about pay-to-win mechanics, expansion cadence, mount customization, faction system updates, and cultural exploration in the game.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 2 minutes
The blog post provides a summary of a recent group interview with Morgan Day at BlizzCon, discussing various aspects of the upcoming Warcraft expansion, including warbands, support specs, and open world gearing. Some highlights include the introduction of a new item type called Warbound, the sharing of gold and currencies across warbands, and the return of the upgrade system.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 4 minutes
This blog post discusses some of the highlights from the WoW: Deep Dive panel at BlizzCon 2023. It covers the introduction of a new endgame content system called Delves, account-wide progression and convenience features called Warbands, a new hero talent system, the introduction of the Earthen allied race, and updates to dragonriding and PvP.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 2 minutes
This blog post discusses various aspects of the future of World of Warcraft (WoW) in The War Within expansion. It includes insights from developers on narrative focus, zone design, Warbands, Dynamic Flight, AI, and more. The post also touches on player concerns, expansion details, and the involvement of key characters in the upcoming content.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 4 minutes
BlizzCon 2023 Interview with Anne Stickley & Tina Wang: Read the full transcript of Wowhead's exclusive interview with Senior Narrative Director Anne Stickley and Associate Game Director Tina Wang as they discuss The War Within expansion, open-world endgame Delve content, Heroic Talent philosophies, and more exciting features coming to World of Warcraft.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 22 minutes
Wowhead sits down for an exclusive interview with Senior Narrative Director Anne Stickley and Associate Game Director Tina Wang at BlizzCon 2023. The interview covers exciting details about The War Within expansion, including the introduction of the Arathi humans, the role of the Holy Flame, the significance of the sword, and the addition of new features like Delve content and Heroic Talents.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 6 minutes
This blog post explores the new Runes revealed at Blizzcon 2023 for the Season of Discovery in WoW Classic. These Runes will enhance and augment each class in unique ways, providing new abilities and bonuses to gameplay. Find out all the details and how they can enhance your class in this comprehensive list of the new Runes.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 4 minutes
Wowhead interview with Linny Cooke-Saverline and Tim Jones discussing the upcoming WoW Classic Season of Discovery. They cover topics such as hardcore self-found mode, PvP changes, balancing, and potential new tier sets. The developers address player concerns and discuss the future of the game.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 6 minutes
This blog post delves into the highlights of the WoW: Deep Dive panel at BlizzCon 2023. It focuses on the introduction of Delves, a new outdoor endgame content system, and Warbands, an account-wide progression and convenience system. The post also touches on other updates and additions coming in the War Within expansion.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 3 minutes
The blog post discusses the conclusion of the Worldsoul Saga in World of Warcraft before 2030. It explores the faster release timeline for the upcoming expansions, the efforts made to differentiate each expansion, and provides information about The War Within expansion and its features like new zones and dungeons.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 5 minutes
Blizzard developers discuss the future of WoW in The War Within expansion, covering topics such as narrative focus, zone design, Warbands, Dynamic Flight, and AI integration. They also address player concerns about pay-to-win mechanics, character customization, cross-realm and regional guilds, and the introduction of new content and cultures. Additionally, they mention plans for mount customization, hero talents, and catch-up mechanics, while teasing exciting features and major characters in the
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 5 minutes
Blizzard developers discuss the future of WoW in The War Within expansion, covering topics such as narrative focus, zone design, Warbands, Dynamic Flight, and AI integration. They also address player concerns about pay-to-win mechanics, character customization, cross-realm and regional guilds, and the introduction of new content and cultures. Additionally, they mention plans for mount customization, hero talents, and catch-up mechanics, while teasing exciting features and major characters in the
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 8 minutes
BlizzCon 2023 featured an interview with WoW developers discussing the upcoming expansion, The War Within. Key topics included narrative focus, zone design, Warbands, Dynamic Flight, AI integration, and more. They emphasized a commitment to player enjoyment, balanced progression, and exciting features in future expansions.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 5 minutes
BlizzCon 2023 brought exciting revelations about the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, The War Within. In an exclusive interview, Senior Narrative Director Anne Stickley and Associate Game Director Tina Wang discussed the introduction of the Arathi humans, the role of the holy flame, and the significance of the sword. They also revealed new features like hero talents, outdoor endgame Delves, and account-wide progression.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 4 minutes
In this blog post, Wowhead sits down with Linny Cooke-Saverline, Game Producer, and Tim Jones, Assistant Lead Classic Designer, to discuss WoW Classic Season of Discovery. They delve into topics such as Hardcore Self Found mode, PvP in WoW Classic, balancing the season, and the possibility of new Tier Sets in the future.